Students earning a major in Asian languages and literature with a minimum g.p.a. of 3.50 in the major and an overall minimum g.p.a. of 3.33 have the opportunity to graduate with honors in the major. Students interested in earning honors in the major should seek the consent of the department chair and a faculty sponsor (an Asian specialist from any department) for departmental honors work. Students must register for ASIA:4301 - Honors Tutorial and ASIA:4506 - Senior Honors Thesis and must complete an acceptable thesis based on original research. 

Students earning a major in Russian seeking to earn honors must have junior or senior standing, a g.p.a. of at least 3.33 in Russian, and a cumulative University of Iowa g.p.a. of at least 3.33 in order to enroll in the honors program. Honors students must register for RUSS:4995 - Honors. They must complete an honors project (e.g., thesis, translation, cultural studies, or research) in Russian. Students must present their work to a faculty committee as determined by their honors thesis advisor. Contact the department for more information about requirements for graduation with honors in the Russian major.

Interested students should contact their Honors advisor by the beginning of the first semester of their senior year at the latest. For more information, contact either:

  • Kendall Heitzman, Chinese
  • Kendall Heitzman, Japanese
  • Sang-Seok Yoon, Korean
  • Irina Kostina, Russian

University of Iowa Honors Program

In addition to honors in the major, students may pursue honors study and activities through membership in the University of Iowa Honors Program. University honors students must maintain a 3.33 g.p.a., complete 12 s.h. of coursework designated as honors courses, and complete 12 s.h. of an experiential learning project. Visit Honors at Iowa to learn about the University's honors program.

NOTE: Membership in the UI Honors Program is not required to earn honors in the Asian and Slavic majors.