Chuanren Ke, Ph.D.
Chuanren Ke (柯传仁) is Professor in the Department of Asian and Slavic Languages and Literatures and Director of the Second Language Acquisition PhD Program (aka FLARE, Foreign Language Acquisition Research and Education) in the Division of World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures at The University of Iowa. He received his PhD in Linguistics and PhD Minor in Psychology at Indiana University at Bloomington. His main area of research is in Chinese second language acquisition, instruction, and assessment. Professor Ke is currently working on a multi-year research project on study abroad supported by the Henry Luce Foundation. He has published widely in journals such as The Modern Language Journal, Foreign Language Annals, Language Assessment Quarterly, Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, and System. He is editor of The Routledge Handbook of Chinese Second Language Acquisition (Routledge, 2018). Professor Ke teaches graduate applied linguistics courses at Iowa, including Second Language Acquisition Theory and Research, Chinese Second Language Acquisition Theory and Research, Chinese Pedagogical Grammar, and L2 Chinese Testing and Assessment. He is also a Certified ACTFL Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) Tester of Chinese and a Certified ACTFL Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) Tester Trainer.
Professor Ke is on the editorial boards of Applied Language Learning, International Journal of Chinese Language Teaching (Clifford Publishing, UK), Journal of Chinese Writing Systems (SAGE Publications), and Journal of Chinese Language Studies. He is also on the Advisory Board of NTU Journal of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language《臺大華語文教學學報》.
Professor Ke served as President of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, USA (CLTA) and as Chair of CIEE (Council on International Educational Exchange) Chinese Language Advisory Board. He was a Zijiang (紫江学者) Chair Professor at East China Normal University in Shanghai, China, and a faculty of LSA (Linguistic Society of America) Summer Institute. Within the University of Iowa, he has served as Chair of Department of Asian Languages and Literature, Director of Center for Asian and Pacific Studies, and Director of the Confucius Institute.
- Chinese