Sang-Seok Yoon, Ph.D.
Sang-Seok Yoon, who earned the PhD in Korean Linguistics from the University of Hawai'i at Manoa, joined the Department of Asian and Slavic Languages and Literatures in 2012. The focus of his research is sociolinguistics, pragmatics, and second language acquisition. He specializes in linguistic politeness of the Korean language, and is one of the authors of the Integrated Korean Textbook series by the University of Hawaii Press, the most commonly used Korean textbook in the U.S.
Research Interests
Socio-linguistics, pragmatics, Teaching Korean as a foreign/second language
- KORE:1101 - First Year Korean: First Semester
- KORE:1102 - First Year Korean: Second Semester
- KORE:2101 - Second Year Korean: First Semester
- KORE:2102 - Second Year Korean: Second Semester
- KORE:3101 - Third Year Korean: First Semester
- KORE:3102 - Third Year Korean: Second Semester
- KORE:4151 - Selected Readings in Korean
- ASIA:1135 - Korean Language in Culture and Society
Recent Publications
- Yoon, S-S. (in press). Korean Honorifics beyond Politeness Markers: Change of Footing through Shifting of Speech Style. In M. Terkourafi (Ed.) Interdisciplinary Approaches to Im/politeness. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
- Yoon, S-S. (2013). Interactive Nature of the Korean Honorific Marker –yo. In Sung-Ok Sohn et al., (Eds.) Prof. Ho-min Sohn’s Festschrift. 204-219. Seoul: Korea University Press.
- Yoon, S-S. (2013). Asian ESL Students’ Request and Apology Speech Acts in Email Discourse. Language Information. Vol 16. 65-87.
- Yoon, S-S. & Lee, D-E. (2012). Social Contexts of the Deferential Style of Korean. Journal of Korean Language Education 23-4.
- Yoon, S-S. & Lee, D-E. (2012). An Analysis of Multicultural Family Conversations at Korean Homes-Discursive Construction of Parents’ Identity as Home Educators. Korean Linguistics 56, 149-181.
- Yoon, S-S. (2012). Discourse Functions of Non-honorific Speech Styles in Korean Television Talk Show Conversations. Harvard Studies in Korean Linguistics XIV.169-181.
- Yoon, S-S. & Lee, D-E. (2011). Request and Apology Speech Acts in Email Discourse of KFL/KSL students. The Journal of Studies in Language 27(1). 117-145.
- Yoon, S-S. (2011). Cross-sectional Analysis of KFL Students’ Requests and Refusals. Language Information 12. 223-248.
- Yoon, S-S. & Kim, H-S. (2009). Grammaticalization of Korean Connective –ni and –nikka and the Role of kka. Language Information 10. 45-71.
- Korean